FREE Masterclass with Parent Coach and Teen Therapist Ashley Hudson

5 Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Having a Close Relationship With Your Teen and How to Fix Them

In this exclusive masterclass you’ll discover:

  • Know how to talk to your teenager and defuse tension without feeling attacked
  • Break free from the frustrating cycle of repeating the same ineffective parenting methods
  • Why constantly telling your teenager what to do drives a wedge between you and your teenager and how to pivot
  • The crucial element most parents overlook that helps your feel more comfortable talking to you.
  • How to master the art of heartfelt communication so your teenager will listen and absorb what you have to say not tune you

Walk away feeling empowered, equipped, and eager to reignite a deeper connection with your teenager, setting the stage for a lifelong bond.

This free masterclass will reveal to you the top reasons to get unstuck and cultivate a relationship where your teen wants to talk to you and be around you.

August 25, 2022 | 10:00 AM PT

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    Ashley Hudson gave me the tools to do the hard work. She has such amazing insight into the teenage child. She helped me create connection and gave me the tools to examine better responses towards my teen so I know how to meet him where he is. - Kelly, mom of 3 teenagers

    Ashley is passionate about the parents she serves. Her dedication to helping parents of teenagers is admirable. I greatly appreciate her help and support. - Mayra, mother of 2 teenagers

    I enjoyed working with Ashley! She taught me creative ways that I can engage with my teen that I may not have thought of on my own! It is nice to know that I am not the only parent going through a struggle of connecting with my teen. - Chelsee, mom of teen daughter